A Texas lady claims she was arrested over her kids' overdue library books.

A Texas stay-at-home mom was renewing her driver's license when she discovered an arrest warrant for overdue library books.

I was furious. On Wednesday, Kaylee Morgan called NBC News to express her sadness and anger. "The whole week leading up to court I couldn’t decide if I wanted to laugh or cry."

Last March, Morgan, a mother of five, borrowed five or six novels from the Navasota Public Library, 115 miles east of Austin, for her homeschooled children.

Morgan reported hyperemesis, acute morning sickness, and placenta previa, when the placenta covers the cervix. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it can cause bleeding in the second half of pregnancy and minor cramping or contractions.

Morgan claimed her husband dropped over the books a couple weeks to a month late, except for one that didn't fit in the library's drop box. She said her stepson left the book in the library.

A city ordinance suspends library cards if books or library goods are not returned within 30 days. Failure to respond to the letter of complaint within 10 days is a misdemeanor punishable by a $500 fine.Morgan missed the library's late notices since they were sent to an old address. The library never contacted her about late books, she said.

Morgan said the entire experience has been unpleasant and questioned why the punishment for overdue library books was so harsh. Her family cannot afford the ticket.

"I offered to buy the books. I promised to pay late fees but cannot afford $600 "stated. "I understand that we have deadlines for a reason and all of those things, but there has to be a better way to cultivate community engagement, instead of tearing the community apart."

"You could come in and read books to the kids for community service, you could help build the little free library or bring in canned goods," said. "Any number of things could be done."


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