Biden promises to support workers after catastrophic bridge collapse and Baltimore port closure. (PART-2)

A cargo ship collided with a support pillar early on March 26, destroying the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Two deceased people were found, four are thought dead, and two that fell into the river survived.

In the hours after the collapse, Biden said the White House will send “all the federal resources they need” to restore the port. He also wanted the federal government to pay for bridge reconstruction at full cost.

Friday, Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young wrote to congressional leaders requesting "a 100 percent Federal cost share for rebuilding the bridge."

Baltimoreans, we're with you. We'll stay as long as needed. Like [Moore] said, you're Maryland tough, you're Baltimore strong, and we'll get through this together, Biden remarked last week. “And I promise: We’re staying.”

Last Monday, the White House announced that the National Economic Council and Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force will coordinate federal support for affected industries after the collapse.

“We are much better equipped to mitigate supply chain disruptions than we were just a few years ago, thanks to increased coordination across the supply chain and new efforts to strengthen both our physical and digital infrastructure,” Buttigieg said.

Last Monday, the Department of Transportation announced $60 million in emergency relief funds for bridge rehabilitation. The White House called it a "down payment" for startup expenditures.

Moore revealed in February that the shipping hub and employment generator Baltimore port near the bridge “handled a record 52.3 million tons of foreign cargo, worth $80 billion” in 2023. The port created almost 15,000 direct jobs, “with nearly 140,000 jobs linked to port activities,” he claimed.


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