Lemon-Garlic Glazed Honey Carrots Recipe.

Honey carrots with thyme glaze go well with many main dishes. The recipe is simple:

Ingredients: Peel and cut 1 pound (450g) carrots diagonally into 1/4-inch rounds. Take 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter. 1 tablespoon fresh thyme Salt and pepper to taste Optional chopped fresh parsley garnish

Instructions: Prepare Carrots: Slice carrots diagonally into 1/4-inch rounds after peeling. You can also cut tiny carrots in half lengthwise.

Cook Carrots: Melt butter in a large skillet or saucepan over medium heat. Throw the sliced carrots in the skillet and coat them with melted butter. Stir carrots occasionally for 5-7 minutes to soften.

Adding Honey and Thyme: Spread honey on carrots and top with fresh thyme. Stir honey and thyme into the carrots to coat evenly.

Glaze carrots: Stir occasionally for another 5-7 minutes to tenderize and caramelize the carrots. The carrots will gleam with caramelized honey.

Season and Serve: Adjust the salt and pepper seasoning of the glazed carrots. Place thyme-glazed honey carrots in a serving dish. If preferred, add chopped fresh parsley for color and flavor.

Serve Warm: Warm thyme-glazed honey carrots go well with your favorite main meal. Thyme-glazed honey carrots are excellent for any occasion with their sweet and delicious aromas!


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