New York, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, and Connecticut go to Biden and Trump.  

Wisconsin—KENOSHA  Since President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have secured the Democratic and Republican primaries, voters in four states cast symbolic votes on their parties' presidential nominees on Tuesday. Biden and Trump handily won Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and Wisconsin primaries, bolstering delegate hauls for their party conventions this summer.

Their triumphs, while expected, reveal base voter enthusiasm for the 2020 rematch that has left most Americans unimpressed. Activists want Democrats to vote against Biden to show disagreement for his handling of the Israel-Hamas war, and some Republican Trump detractors are still voting for dropped candidates.

Uncommitted" in Rhode Island and Connecticut received 19% and 13% of the Democratic vote, respectively, similar to protest campaigns in Minnesota and Michigan. The Wisconsin “uninstructed delegation” share decreased. In Wisconsin, a key November contest, the results will reveal how many Republicans still oppose Trump and how many Democrats dislike Biden. Trump campaigned Tuesday in Midwest battlegrounds Wisconsin and Michigan.

According to 62-year-old Kenosha contractor Scott Lindemann, who voted for the former president in the GOP primaries, “Donald Trump is the first person I can remember who actually tried to keep all of his campaign promises.” “That impressed me.” Republican 70-year-old Steve Wheatley of New York wants more candidates. Nikki Haley was his choice even though “she has no shot” due to lack of options.

Wheatley, of Athens, a Hudson Valley town, said we need younger, more innovative presidential candidates. “I prefer Democrats but our options are limited. See what Biden has done for the economy.” Theresa Laabs, a 55-year-old Kenosha cashier, voted for Biden in the Democratic primaries because she thinks he's fighting inflation. Her family is struggling with increasing food and gas prices.

“I understand it’s the economy now, and I’m hoping Joe will keep working even harder in the next four years to try and bring these things down and make it easier for the working family,” Laabs added. After Haley left the GOP race, Trump and Biden focused on the general election weeks ago. Biden visited all major battlegrounds last month after his State of the Union speech.

The Democratic National Committee and Biden have raised more than Trump and Republicans. Last week, Biden set a record for single-event fundraising with $26 million at a star-studded New York fundraiser with the president, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton.

Trump intends to outraise his rival with a $33 million Palm Beach gala this weekend. Rhode Island saw only 4% of eligible voters cast ballots by 5 p.m., including Tuesday's in-person, mail-in, and early votes, as the presidential contenders locked up their parties' nominations.

Connecticut's first early voting was slow over the border. By 11 a.m., Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas reported 1% to 2% turnout in certain areas and 4% in Stamford, one of the state's largest cities. “What we have been hearing on the ground from people over the last few weeks is that this isn’t a competitive primary,” she said of the low turnout.

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