Polenta with Creamy Parmesan for the Busy Person.

Fast and easy polenta with creamy parmesan is excellent for busy people. The recipe is simple:

Ingredients: 1 cup polenta 4 cups vegetable or chicken broth 1/2 cup grated Parmesan Two tablespoons butter Salt and pepper to taste Optional: garnish with chopped fresh herbs like parsley or chives

Instructions: Polenta preparation: Over medium-high heat, boil water or broth in a medium saucepan. Slowly add the polenta, stirring to avoid lumps.

Lower the heat and simmer the polenta, stirring periodically, for 15-20 minutes until thick and creamy. If polenta is too thick, add water or broth to thin it. Add butter and Parmesan: Mix grated Parmesan cheese and butter until melted after cooking the polenta to your preference.

Serve: Serve creamy parmesan polenta in dishes or platters. If desired, add chopped fresh herbs. Serve hot as a side or base with your favorite toppings or sauces.

Optional Changes: Add roasted garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, sautéed mushrooms, or caramelized onions to the Parmesan and butter for flavor.

Grilled veggies, roasted chicken, or shrimp add heartiness to creamy parmesan polenta.

For vegetarians, use veggie broth instead of chicken broth. This quick and creamy parmesan polenta recipe is excellent for hectic days when you need a soothing meal without much cooking. Enjoy!


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