Experts think Taiwan was more earthquake-ready than other U.S. regions when the huge earthquake hit Wednesday. Taiwanese officials warn the death toll could rise from nine in the coming days. Over 1,000 were injured and 100 probably trapped. The thick island survived the magnitude 7.4 quake, seismologists said.
Taiwan has a powerful early-warning system, advanced seismic construction restrictions, and a quake-accustomed population, say experts. After the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, island infrastructure improved.
Two thousand four hundred died. Nine people perished this time. Taiwanese-born University of Washington geologist and postdoctoral researcher Larry Syu-Heng Lai claimed improvement is visible. “Our buildings are stronger. We have great facilities. Although we take it seriously, it's part of daily life.”
West Coast earthquake-prone U.S. municipalities are preparing to varying degrees, say experts. Yet none rival Taiwan's capital.LA and SF prepare more than Seattle and Portland. Harold Tobin, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network head and University of Washington professor, said Taipei is preparing more than either.
On Oct. 17, 1989, a California Highway Patrol officer inspects cars that fell when the Bay Bridge's upper deck collapsed into the lower deck during the Loma Prieta earthquake in San FranciscoAP/George Nikitin files Taiwanese officials and researchers are examining earthquake damage and deaths.
Wallace said early photos and reports from Taiwan after the earthquake showed older concrete buildings five to 10 stories tall with first floors with open commercial space were severely affected. Twisting forces exacerbate damage on street corners.
Tobin said the U.S. ShakeAlert system can transmit Amber Alert-style messages to all phones but isn't integrated in broadcast media. Taiwan has “a more comprehensive warning capability,” he said.
From the epicenter, earthquakes cause pond ripples, Tobin added. Harbingers, like Paul Revere riders, spread ripples faster than dangerous ones. Lai said Taiwan's earthquake safety development was incremental and required public education, government confidence, and scientist faith.
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